Despite Diamonds Being The Hard Substance They Are, Jewellery Can Still Become Damaged
Everybody knows that diamond is the hardest material in the world. Or perhaps not. Scientists in China discovered in 2009 that there are actually two harder materials – wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdaleite – but both of these are so rare that for all practical purposes diamond is still the hardest. However, that doesn’t prevent jewellery from becoming damaged. Even though a piece of jewellery may contain diamonds and they don’t suffer damage, the rest of the piece can be subject to all sorts of problems. For example, gold and silver rings can easily become scratched, and many other gemstones can be broken so that the piece of jewellery needs to be restored. Sometimes it happens that a piece is beyond restoration and is only worth scrap value. However, there is always a call for jewellery restoration in Devon and if you have a piece that is damaged you need an expertly trained jeweller to repair it. As with many things, jewellery restoration in Devon m...